(logo)  Settings Requesters


In the settings requesters, you can change many aspects of AWeb. The changed settings can be saved, used until the next reboot, temporarily tested, or cancelled.

There are four settings requesters, each controlling a different aspect of AWeb:
Browser settings Everything directly related to the way HTML is shown, including the fonts used and the external viewers
Program settings Things general for the program, including screen mode, paths, and the editor
GUI settings Things directly related to the GUI functions, like the menu, the user buttons and the popup menu
Network settings Everything related to the network, including the loading of images, plug-ins and the cache

Opening the Settings Requesters

A settings requester is opened by selecting the appropriate Settings / aspect settings... menu item.

The Settings / ClassAct settings... menu item will open the ClassAct preference requester. You can control a number of aspects for the different requesters here.

NOTE: When opened on a NTSC medium resolution screen (200 pixels in height), some requesters may not be visible completely, depending on the screen font used. If this happens, you should open the ClassAct preference requester, go to the Misc page, and decrease the number given for the layout spacing.

Different settings

By default, AWeb stores its settings in the ENVARC:AWeb3 drawer. If you used the CONFIG tooltype or argument, the settings are stored in the ENVARC:AWeb3/config_name drawer instead.
If this drawer doesn't exist, it will be created.

Don't edit the settings files by hand. Some entries contain unprintable characters, that your editor may or may not handle correctly. Saving a settings file from your editor may destroy one or more settings.

Controlling the settings requesters


Each settings requester has the following menu items:
Project menu Open... Read settings from a different file.
Save as... Save the settings in a different file.
Quit settings Close this settings requester.
Edit menu Reset to defaults The settings in this requester are reset to their default values.
Last saved The settings in this requester are reset to the values as you have saved them the last time.
Restore The settings in this requester are reset to the values as they were when you opened the requester.
Windows menu Browser settings... Open or activate the browser settings requester.
Program settings... Open or activate the program settings requester.
GUI settings... Open or activate the GUI settings requester.
Network settings... Open or activate the network settings requester.
ClassAct settings... Open or activate the Classact preference window.
Snapshot Store the current window positions.


Each settings requester has some standard buttons:
Clicktabs From the row of so-called clicktabs you can pick a page with related settings.
Save Save the current settings to disk, and close the requester.
Use Close the requester and use the current settings, but don't save them. After a boot, the last saved settings are active again.
Test Use the settings now, but don't save them to disk. The requester remains open. If you cancel the requester, the original settings become active again.
Cancel Close the requester without changing the current settings.

Browser settings

The browser settings requester can control the following aspects:
Options Some general options that control the behaviour and looks of the browser.
Fonts The fonts that should be to AWebs disposal.
Styles The font type, size and style to use for various elements on a HTML page.
Colours The colours to be used for various elements of a document.
Viewers The external viewers to use for various types of objects.

Program settings

The program settings requester can control the following aspects:
Screen The screen that AWeb should open on: default public screen, another public screen, or let AWeb open its own screen.
Palette The screen colours for AWeb's own screen.
Options The save and temporary paths, and various other general options.
Programs The external editor and HTML source viewer to use.

GUI settings

The GUI settings requester can control the following aspects:
Options If the button row should be visible, and the popup menu activation.
Menus The entries to appear in the browser window menu.
Buttons The buttons to appear in the user button row.
Popup The entries to appear in the popup menu
Keys The user-defined keys.
Navigation The function of the ten navigation buttons.

Network settings

The network settings requester can control the following aspects:
Options Various general network related settings, including the loading of images.
Programs The external programs or plug-ins to use, e.g. for telnet.
Proxy The proxies that AWeb should use.
Cache The cache size, cache mode and other cache related settings.
Privacy Various privacy protection options.
Mail/News Everything related to the internal mailer and newsreader.

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